05 October 2011

Letter from Matlock 9-19-2011

Dear (Japanese characters)

Mom- I completely forgot to tell you what I did the week before last! You’ll be so proud of me- I held a district meeting based on finding people and I gave a whole training on how we should be using family history centers to help find people! I talked about how most of our work should be based on families, all of mankind is one big family, and the gospel blesses families. Then I went on to talk about how most people only practice Buddhism because their ancestors did and many Buddhist sects actually worship their ancestors! The zone leaders promised that they would go find information on the nearest family history centers and get that information to us so we can start inviting people to learn about their ancestors. Despite all evidence to the contrary I am my mother’s son. Who would have guessed?
Now back to this week, I heard some insanely good news just this morning! So missionaries have computers. These computers can use Skype. We can Skype anyone in our area, in Japan, in the Philippines, Brazil, Australia…China! I happen to know some people in China…and I can talk with them over Skype! I don’t have to wait until the end of my mission until I can talk to one of our Chinese investigators again! This is so exciting!
Speaking of exciting 4 new students came to our English class this week! One man is 75years old, has almost fluent English and he loves Mormons. The more I think about him the more I’m convinced that he fell straight from heaven. He found out about this English class in an ad that was for a different location and eventually he was referred to this class. We gave him a Book of Mormon upon learning that he is 1) Interested in learning more about us. 2) lives by himself and all he does is read all day. That’s the formula for success right there.
Another one of those new students, is also looking very promising. She stayed in Australia for a year and at that time started wondering what this whole Christian thing is all about. After our church introduction lesson was over she said she was interested in learning more! Those are words I like to hear.
Also we got in contact with a lady who wants to come to English class and hear the missionary lessons again. I don’t know where all these people are coming from but it’s all right with me!
Next week is transfers. In my interview with the President he strongly hinted that one of us would be transferring. He said, “One of you will be transferring.” So I took that to mean we can expect a transfer. So next week you can all hear about my new installment! I think I may have learned more with this companion than many of my other companions. Because of that I’m hoping I get a companion that I don’t learn as much with. The more I learn the faster my hair line recedes and if I keep learning at this rate I’ll be completely bald by the time I get home.

Love you all
Elder Wyman
(Japanese characters)

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