05 October 2011

Email from Matlock – 29 September 2011

Dear Family,
      This week we did in fact have transfers.
      You may be wondering what happened with transfers. Despite the usual pattern of things I transfered out of Abiko and went to Adachi. Adachi is Tokyo. I finally made it in! I'm in the city! When I heard Tokyo mission I imagined skyscrapers, kimonos and lots and lots of people. After biking through rice fields and going hours without seeing another human soul I decided that was not so. Now I'm in! My area includes Akihabara, Tokyo skytree, a big zoo, and other busy city like things. It was a bit of a bummer to leave Abiko but it’s also nice to finally break through the barrier and make it into the city.
     My current companion is the younger brother to a companion I had last year. I told President that I was with his brother a while back and asked if I could be with him. It went through! He is on his last transfer which makes this the third person I will have sent home. Since I've killed off three people that makes me a serial killer. A title not many people can claim. I'm really happy things turned out the way they did. We get along really well- we became pretty good friends last year when we were in the same district. At last I won't have any problems with my companion! Finally!
      This last week was fairly eventful in of itself. On Tuesday I went to Matsudo on splits. When I went to use the sink I found it was covered in yellowish slime, the kind that builds up on occasion but really only takes a wiping with a damp sponge to clean up. So I went looking for a damp sponge. I went into a closet and was looking through the drawers when I found a watch. About a year ago, I happened to stay at Matsudo overnight since we had a conference nearby the next day. At that time I left my watch in the apartment. I found that exact same watch in the apartment! Then I found the sponge and cleaned the sink. I also cleaned the mountain of dishes in the sink. It reached the point where you did have room to stick dishes in between the faucet and the mountain of dishes. I think that may be why they didn't get done; there wasn't room to do it so it was near impossible.
      Then the next day when I got out of the shower my companion said "The mission office called we're not to leave the apartment today." Sweet. There was a good reason for it though. That was the same day a massive typhoon swept all of Japan. By the end of the day I was glad I didn't have to go out in that, but disappointed I wasn't allowed to go out and play in it. During our day inside my companion decided to cut his hair. That was mistake number 1. He called me in and asked me to trim up the back a little bit. That was mistake number 2. I went up a little too far and left a nice short spot up the side of his head. Ouch. I was worried he was going to have to walk around looking like a dork for a month or two waiting for it to grow back but he cut it all a little shorter and it ended up ok. He won't make both of those mistakes again!
I'm getting tired of typing so that’s all for this week.
Love you all!
Elder Wyman

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